The bigger of the companion stars sucks the Hydrogen from the smaller thereby shortening its life while gaining a spare lifetime for itself. The victim star is left with the exposed core of a much younger star which may have given earlier researchers mistaken ideas of the universe and the age of the stars within them.
Researchers’ knowledge of the galaxies far, far away is based on the light that reaches their telescopes. As telescopes get more powerful and we have a presence out in space be it manned(such as the ISS) or unmanned(such as Keppler), we have more observational knowledge. This new observational knowledge gives a whole new view on what we are looking for and what it might mean. The major lesson here should be easy on the assumptions!
Guessing the age of the universe is just that, a guess. She could be a Vampire that is as old as time or a new born of a mere billion or two. The fact is we know less than we think.
Perhaps we should enjoy the view. It may never be as beautiful to us as right now….Vampire Stars, cool right?
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